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The Chronicles of the Brethren

What if the Myth were real and everything else mattered not? What if your very soul hung in the balance? Enter a land where the Myth is real, but many have forgotten or scorn the Truth and those who fight to uphold it. The adventure is about to begin, for even those who fight for justice are about to rediscover why. 


The expanded universe of "The Serpent and the Unicorn" and the "In Shadow" series consisting of three stand alone novels and a collection of short stories!

Legends of the Brethren

From the wild woods of the north and across the central plains they come. Over treacherous mountains and stormy seas, across all the expanse of time and history they have been gathered. Herein are found many a tale of things great and small, of sorrow and triumph, of life, death, and things beyond either, Laughter and tears, hope and despair, are found in the tales that follow.



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